Originally I thought to shut up but today is the last days of summer holidays 
and I'm a positive thinking
so let us try to help
My suggestions:
        - put MIT now
        - accept other submissions even open the repositories to people that 
        cool (lukas, philippe, sven)
        - trust others!
        - have a look at HCHTTPClient and may be merge, migrate, 
        - let pharo uses in it the image, we are not that dumb and with the 
        capability and rss feed somebody can merge back really fast. 


On Aug 31, 2010, at 8:38 AM, Andreas Raab wrote:

> Hi -
> Thanks everyone for the reasoned and civil responses. It is good to see that 
> we can have a disagreement without getting overly personal. Unfortunately, it 
> seems that I'm effectively offered a no-win alternative here; I do not see 
> how any of the discussed alternatives would help me achieve my goals. I will 
> have to think about where to take things from here. If anyone has ideas, 
> please let me know.
> Cheers,
>  - Andreas

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