Hi everyone!

This is my first message to the list. I've been learning Smalltalk and
toying with Pharo 2.0 for some weeks now. One thing that has me puzzled is
the many different ways to build GUIs. I´m rewriting an app in Pharo as an
exercise. It needs to display images in some parts. So far, I have:

- Sent messages to (UITheme builder)
- Created a SystemWindow, then #addMorph: to it, sending them #model: and
so afterwards.
- Tried and somewhat succeeded in building my GUI with Spec, which
apparently doesn't know about images.
- Read some stuff about Athens
- Read some stuff about Morphic 3, and wondered if it will make its way
into Pharo.
- Read something about how Spec has changed a lot in Pharo 3.0 (which is
labelled as alpha)

On top of that, as I understand it, building GUIs with Morphic was
originally meant to be a visual live process, however what I've read so far
takes a programmatic approach.

So... many questions, few clues, I am lost. I definitely need to use some
AlphaImageMorphs in certain parts of the application, and while I find
Spec's way easier, I'm at a loss when it comes to that part. On the other
hand, it's sold as "the new way to build GUIs" so I'm not sure if these are
missing things that will be included later, or if I'm supposed to implement
them on top of the Spec framework, or even if there´s already a way to do
it and I just don't get it :S


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