On Fri, 03 Oct 2014 16:13:35 -0400, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
Looking at MessageTally, it seems at least half of that 278ms is spent
noodling around in WideStrings and other small things that the Spur
object format ought to help with, so it'd be interesting to see how much
of a speed boost that gives without any further work.
tell us more about your algo because we want to know.

It's not that exciting (it's a problem we give job applicants as a take-home coding test), but I'll describe it, since it highlights a common corner where Pharo does not perform terribly well.

Basically, we give you a pile of play lists (a text file where each line is "Song1,Song2,Song3" and so on, representing a single play list), and then ask you to tell us which songs appear frequently together (where "frequently" is something we define--say, at least 100 times, for example). While there are interesting complex algorithms, a simple one that works well for small datasets is simply to walk all of play lists and build up a hashtable that maps pairs of bands to a count, then walk the hashtable and print out any keys whose counts are over the threshold. If this sounds like "dump all the permutations of each play list into a Bag and then walk Bag>>valuesAndCounts," you're right. As I said, it's not that complex.

Python does very well on this because it hits on three things--hashtables, sets, and string processing--for which Python has obscenely good implementations in carefully optimized C. (In fact, the 80ms time I quoted you is surprisingly close to the maximum speed you can get with genuine C or C++ implementation on the sample dataset as well.)

Pharo struggles to match Python for the same three reasons, but *especially* because its String functions are just much slower. In fact, if you implement the algorithm I described above naïvely in Pharo, the execution time is about 780ms--nearly ten times slower. After some reflection, I chopped the time to 270ms by converting all the band names to integers as the first step of the process (ArtistLister>>generateMap: in the profile trace below). Not only does this avoid WideString>>hash and friends; it also allows me to bring in IdentityDictionary and IdentitySet in most locations due to Pharo's object format.

But there's a lot left. I'm attaching the profile output below. Notice that Pharo spends more time reading and processing the file (about 120ms) than the Python program spends executing total.


 - 279 tallies, 279 msec.

Process: (40s) Morphic UI Process: nil
69.2% {193ms} ArtistLister>>groupsIn:
  |18.6% {52ms} FileReference(AbstractFileReference)>>contents
  |  |17.6% {49ms} MultiByteFileStream(FileStream)>>contents
  |  |  17.6% {49ms} MultiByteFileStream>>next:
  |  |    5.0% {14ms} ByteString>>at:put:
  |  |      |5.0% {14ms} WideString class>>from:
  |  |    5.0% {14ms} WideString>>at:put:
  |  |    5.0% {14ms} primitives
  |  |    1.4% {4ms} MultiByteFileStream>>next
  |  |      1.4% {4ms} UTF8TextConverter>>nextFromStream:
  |14.7% {41ms} WideString(String)>>lines
  |  |14.7% {41ms} WideString(String)>>linesDo:
  |  |  10.0% {28ms} WideString>>copyFrom:to:
  |  |    |5.4% {15ms} WideString(String)>>isOctetString
  |  |    |  |3.2% {9ms} WideString>>at:
  |  |    |  |  |2.2% {6ms} Character class>>value:
  |  |    |  |2.2% {6ms} primitives
  |  |    |4.7% {13ms} WideString(String)>>asOctetString
  |  |    |  3.6% {10ms} primitives
  |  |  4.7% {13ms} WideString(String)>>lineIndicesDo:
  |  |    4.7% {13ms} WideString(String)>>indexOf:startingAt:
| | 4.7% {13ms} WideString class(String class)>>indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
  |10.8% {30ms} ByteString(Object)>>split:
  |  |10.0% {28ms} ByteString(Object)>>split:do:
  |  |  5.7% {16ms} WideString>>copyFrom:to:
  |  |    |3.2% {9ms} WideString(String)>>asOctetString
  |  |    |2.5% {7ms} WideString(String)>>isOctetString
  |  |    |  1.8% {5ms} primitives
  |  |  4.3% {12ms} ByteString(SequenceableCollection)>>split:indicesDo:
| | 2.9% {8ms} WideString(SequenceableCollection)>>indexOfSubCollection:startingAt: | | |2.9% {8ms} WideString(String)>>indexOfSubCollection:startingAt:ifAbsent:
  |  |      |  2.9% {8ms} WideString(String)>>findString:startingAt:
| | | 2.9% {8ms} WideString(String)>>findString:startingAt:caseSensitive: | | | 2.9% {8ms} WideString(String)>>findSubstring:in:startingAt:matchTable:
  |  |    1.4% {4ms} primitives
  |7.2% {20ms} Set(Collection)>>addAll:
  |  |5.0% {14ms} Set>>add:
  |  |  |3.6% {10ms} Set>>scanFor:
  |  |  |  |3.6% {10ms} ByteString(String)>>=
  |  |  |1.4% {4ms} Set(HashedCollection)>>atNewIndex:put:
  |  |  |  1.4% {4ms} Set(HashedCollection)>>fullCheck
  |  |  |    1.4% {4ms} Set>>grow
  |  |1.4% {4ms} OrderedCollection>>do:
  |5.4% {15ms} ArtistLister>>generateMap:
  |  |5.4% {15ms} IdentityDictionary(Dictionary)>>at:put:
  |  |  3.9% {11ms} Dictionary(HashedCollection)>>atNewIndex:put:
  |  |    |3.2% {9ms} Dictionary(HashedCollection)>>fullCheck
  |  |    |  2.5% {7ms} Dictionary(HashedCollection)>>grow
  |  |    |    1.4% {4ms} Dictionary>>noCheckAdd:
  |  |    |      1.4% {4ms} Dictionary(HashedCollection)>>findElementOrNil:
  |  |  1.4% {4ms} IdentityDictionary(HashedCollection)>>findElementOrNil:
  |4.3% {12ms} OrderedCollection>>collect:
  |  |4.3% {12ms} OrderedCollection>>addLast:
  |4.3% {12ms} Dictionary>>at:
  |  |4.3% {12ms} Dictionary>>at:ifAbsent:
  |  |  2.2% {6ms} Dictionary(HashedCollection)>>findElementOrNil:
  |  |    |2.2% {6ms} Dictionary>>scanFor:
  |  |    |  1.4% {4ms} ByteString(String)>>=
  |  |  2.2% {6ms} primitives
  |3.9% {11ms} ByteString(String)>>trimmed
  |  3.9% {11ms} ByteString(String)>>trimBoth
  |    3.2% {9ms} ByteString(String)>>trimBoth:
  |      2.2% {6ms} primitives
19.4% {54ms} ArtistLister>>popularPairsIn:onlyKeeping:
  |15.8% {44ms} OrderedCollection(Collection)>>asBag
  |  |15.8% {44ms} Bag class(Collection class)>>withAll:
  |  |  15.8% {44ms} Bag(Collection)>>addAll:
  |  |    13.6% {38ms} Bag>>add:
  |  |      |13.6% {38ms} Bag>>add:withOccurrences:
  |  |      |  10.0% {28ms} Dictionary>>at:put:
| | | |8.6% {24ms} Dictionary(HashedCollection)>>findElementOrNil:
  |  |      |    |  |7.9% {22ms} Dictionary>>scanFor:
  |  |      |    |  |  4.7% {13ms} Array(SequenceableCollection)>>hash
  |  |      |    |  |    |3.2% {9ms} primitives
  |  |      |    |  |  2.5% {7ms} Array(SequenceableCollection)>>=
| | | | | 2.5% {7ms} Array(SequenceableCollection)>>hasEqualElements:
  |  |      |    |  |      1.4% {4ms} primitives
  |  |      |    |1.4% {4ms} Dictionary(HashedCollection)>>atNewIndex:put:
  |  |      |  3.6% {10ms} Dictionary>>at:ifAbsent:
  |  |      |    2.2% {6ms} Dictionary(HashedCollection)>>findElementOrNil:
  |  |      |      |2.2% {6ms} Dictionary>>scanFor:
  |  |      |      |  1.4% {4ms} Array(SequenceableCollection)>>=
| | | | 1.4% {4ms} Array(SequenceableCollection)>>hasEqualElements:
  |  |      |    1.4% {4ms} primitives
  |  |    2.2% {6ms} OrderedCollection>>do:
  |2.5% {7ms} ArtistLister>>uniquePairs:do:
4.3% {12ms} ArtistLister>>bandsAboveThresholdIn:
  |4.3% {12ms} Bag(Collection)>>addAll:
  |  4.3% {12ms} Bag>>add:
  |    4.3% {12ms} Bag>>add:withOccurrences:
  |      2.5% {7ms} Dictionary>>at:put:
  |      1.8% {5ms} Dictionary>>at:ifAbsent:
3.2% {9ms} Set>>includes:
  2.5% {7ms} Set(HashedCollection)>>findElementOrNil:
    2.5% {7ms} Set>>scanFor:
6.8% {19ms} WideString(String)>>asOctetString
6.5% {18ms} ByteString(String)>>=
5.4% {15ms} Dictionary>>at:ifAbsent:
5.0% {14ms} WideString>>at:put:
5.0% {14ms} WideString class>>from:
5.0% {14ms} MultiByteFileStream>>next:
5.0% {14ms} WideString(String)>>isOctetString
4.7% {13ms} WideString class(String class)>>indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
4.3% {12ms} OrderedCollection>>addLast:
3.9% {11ms} WideString>>at:
3.6% {10ms} Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
3.6% {10ms} OrderedCollection>>do:
3.2% {9ms} Set>>scanFor:
3.2% {9ms} Dictionary(HashedCollection)>>atNewIndex:put:
3.2% {9ms} Array(SequenceableCollection)>>hash
2.5% {7ms} ArtistLister>>uniquePairs:do:
2.2% {6ms} Dictionary>>scanFor:
2.2% {6ms} Character class>>value:
2.2% {6ms} ByteString(String)>>trimBoth:
2.2% {6ms} Array(SequenceableCollection)>>hasEqualElements:
1.8% {5ms} Array class(Behavior)>>inheritsFrom:
1.4% {4ms} ByteString(SequenceableCollection)>>split:indicesDo:
1.4% {4ms} SmallInteger>>hashMultiply
1.4% {4ms} Dictionary(HashedCollection)>>findElementOrNil:

        old                     +5,124,784 bytes
        young           -340,984 bytes
        used            +4,783,800 bytes
        free            +295,464 bytes

        full                    0 totalling 0ms (0.0% uptime)
        incr            22 totalling 22ms (8.0% uptime), avg 1.0ms
        tenures         15 (avg 1 GCs/tenure)
        root table      0 overflows

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