On 04/08/2015 01:11 AM, Thierry Goubier wrote:

2015-04-08 8:47 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com <mailto:i.uh...@gmail.com>>:

        I thnk that rather than focus on the disk format which I
        hardly ever actually look at ... that folks should be looking
        at tools support (like Thierry) ... this is where the real
        work needs to happen ... good tools can hide the disk fomat
        completely so why does the disk format matter ...

    I am personally not really a fan of this; I've been using git for
    a while and I am perfectly content with using command line on the
    disk (maybe I'm rare breed); I have yet to see a GUI/tool that
    would come even close to the power of command line, but I've been
    using Linux for a long time.

Agreed and this is in that spirit I did GitFileTree. Dale went a bit further and even integrated the git command line access inside smalltalk via CommandShell... so that you get the best of both worlds without leaving your beloved Smalltalk :)

Actually it is not quite CommandShell based ... the shell is tODE shell, where Smalltalk is the scripting language. The tODE git commands are implemented by parsing the command line args, resolving options and args to objects, and then calling a Smalltalk git command API that eventually does make shell calls (sometimes multiple git commands are folded into a single tODE git command ... thus making it possible to ultimately switch out the actual `git calls` and use something FFI-based, like libgit2...

This approach also makes it quite feasible to write fairly complicated Smalltalk scripts that call the smalltalk git command api directly, bypassing the command line interface altogether ...

    As I've said to Thierry some time ago in different thread, I would
    be interested in idea of having everything on disk side and Pharo
    would only somehow refresh it's content (just like a Java IDE /
    text editor would). But that may be a lot o work so I can only
    dream about it, as nobody has time for that (me included).

Well, as I said elsewhere, Smalltalk doesn't work like that: code has to be lived in the image for most tools to work properly... it doesn't really have an "editor of file" mindset, but an "object inspector" mindset.

What we're looking at in another thread is how to emulate that live object approach over dead files, and, thinking of it, I'm not sure we will succeed well.

In short, what you want may never work properly because it is not how it should be conceptualized.

In tODE I regularly drop off live objects to the file system using STON ... The tODE shell which allows you to navigate an object-based directory also allows you to mount the nodes from the file system and when traversing the file system recognizes STON files and presents objects to you instead of the dead files:)

I haven't tried taking this approach all the way to source files ... but????


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