
I am a heavy git user with languages like C, C++, Python, Ruby and even GNU 
Smalltalk and I hope iceberg will bring the same powerful experience to Pharo.

Last Friday I started to add a bigger refactoring for a new feature to my 
software and didn't finish. Sadly today an issue in the code was found and I 
would like to fix this before fixing my code. I use this as opportunity to ask 
if Iceberg has some answers for that.

With a non-Pharo project I would do:

a.) If current HEAD is same as origin/master

$ git stash (stash away my not finished changes)
$ vi code.c fix..
$ git commit -a -c "subject

long explanation of fix
reference to bug"
$ git stash apply (and go back to working on my feature)

b.) E.g. if I finished n-commits but I am not fully done

# store my work
$ git commit -a -m "Work In Progress hack.."
$ git checkout -b new-feature-branch

# go back to master
$ git checkout master 
$ git reset --hard origin/master (to restore)

# work on the fix
$ vi code.c fix..
$ git commit -a -c "fix..."

# go back and continue on my fix
$ git checkout new-feature-branch
$ git rebase origin/master
$ git reset HEAD^1
.. continue to work

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