
> On 14 Sep 2016, at 12:19, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 4:21 PM, Blondeau Vincent
> <vincent.blond...@worldline.com <mailto:vincent.blond...@worldline.com>> 
> wrote:
>>>>> I try to move the R dll close to my Pharo VM and also inside the
>>>>> Plugins directory but without success ...
>>>> It should be at the same location that libcairo.2.dylib
>>>>> Is there a way to say where are the R dll instead of copying them ?
>>> Are you using the system to do the library path resolution? Or finding the
>>> library file in Pharo and then passing an absolute path to FFI?

no, it doesn’t… you need to pass a path to the library (e.g. 

>> I think that the system that do the resolution:
>> I defined in a trait:
>> ffiLibraryName
>>         ^ #R
>> And the library is named R.dll (under windows).
>> Maybe I should do like CairoLibrary?
> My limited understanding is that #ffiLibraryName should return a class
> rather than a symbol. Thus...
> MyClass class >> ffiLibraryName
>          ^ R
> R >> win32ModuleName
>           ^ 'libr.N.dll'.   "or whatever is the actual dll filename”

well… it can answer a class (a child of FFILibrary, like LibC)
or a String with a fixed path: ‘libr.N.dll’

of course, 2nd way is limited because you hardcode the library path :S


> cheers -ben

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