
This is probably a stupid question but I dare to ask it.

I have a tiny teapot application (based on the library example) and I would like to let the use add an item or edit an item. I do want to force the user to do it via the request path with a post or that way

        ZnClient new
                 url: 'http://localhost:8080/books/1';
                 formAt: 'author' put: 'SquareBracketAssociates';
                 formAt: 'title' put: 'Pharo For The Enterprise'; put

I know how to do it in Seaside but I feel spoiled because I do not know how to do it in plain html to serve it with Teapot.

I noticed that in none of our chapters (Teapot, ZnApplication chapter, tinyblog-teapot, tinyblog-seaside) shows how to do it.

Using Opera's mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/

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