mind maps can extend into infinite complexity and detail, so yes the mind
map will become a memory the more you use it but you still can create
thousands of mind maps like I did with little chance of remembering all.

I will say that for experts mind maps are far more important because a
newbie even though he or she may benefit from it, the beginner concept are
simple enough to be found among tutorials and documentation.

On the other hands experts tend to dive a lot deepers into areas that are
not well documented obscure and difficult to understand . This is where
mind maps shine.

I used mind maps on my master degree where we dealt with very special
complex cases that went far beyond the fundamentals of law. To be exact
Commercial and E-Commercial Law. My dissertation was quite a challenge, was
dealing with the legal protections offered against malicious attacks and
malicious software.

Mind maps helped me identify important key points that was very hard to
understand just by reading text and trying to memories and make sense of

I even passed some exams using nothing more than mind maps created by other
students in a fraction of time it would have taken by just reading the

Of course to form any kind of map you need first to explore.

But personally I more interested in expert and not beginner mind maps.
Especially areas that even this mailing list has problems providing an

On Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 10:56 PM Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:

> Once you are an expert the mind map is in your mind, but it does not
> mean the mind map is useless for newbie. So every thing helping the
> newbie to build their own mind map is important to catch them and more
> importantly to make them stay with Pharo
> Le 06/01/2017 à 21:39, Dimitris Chloupis a écrit :
> >
> > A thing I want to try is is creating mind maps tool inside Pharo,  a
> > variant of the pen and paper technique I was using when I was studying
> Law.
> --
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu

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