We think about it since long time ago. This is why we rewrote and produce
Nautilus (but the design was not good) - remember in nautilus we could edit
mutliple methods but it was not good and why that because we needed also
panes and .....

I agree with you about tooltip and ghost for input.
You see in the debugger having a nicer message for DNU is a big improvement
and it was super simple.


On Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 9:27 PM, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:

> What you say here is very important, it is usability problem report.
> Often expert users and developers are trapped in their own world: want
> to add the super cool and elaborated features in the browser, but can't
> see that super cool and simple feature addition to the browser that will
> make life easier for new Pharo user ( = user acceptability = will the
> user stay with Pharo or will it move away after 1 hour of test and try?)
> A few weeks ago Denis posted about Calypso, and his browser comes with
> what you will need: code pane tabs. Damn! How can't think about it earlier.
> In the past I did complain about usability problem, mainly with
> undocumented feature in the interface (no tooltip). I don't care
> personally but I exactly know how a newbie will fell against a poorly
> helpful UI, especially when Pharo argument about its super cool IDE.
> Pharo developers should get serious about usability and discoverable
> features (include not only method comment but clearly written tooltips).
> Pharo 5 was released with really poorly documented UI code, although the
> tools set is all there (settings browser).
> Hilaire
> Le 05/01/2017 à 20:24, Siemen Baader a écrit :
> > that helps, and reading tests and comments helps if they exist. But I
> > often get trapped in drilling down a long call stack and opening many,
> > many browser windows, a new one for every message send to a new class.
> >
> --
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu

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