I would give you many more "+" - if you wish - for your opinion:


Another point I would like to mention: keep the source code locally or
at least have an easy option to hold all source code locally.

I've seen so many times, that git or one of the other git repositories
are down - that's a very critical point.

I would like to have a local repository, where I can import external
packages and I work locally only.

I also have thought several times that it would be nice to have a SQLite
database holding all sources/packages. How much easier life would be
with that.

Other than that: I prefer my simple server directory holding monticello
packages - in the Gemstone/S area.

But I have to admit, that all the source code management stuff I've seen
since ENVY in the Smalltalk community are pretty poor stuff - and even
considering integrating git is not a step forward in terms of technical
improvements, but only in terms of marketing and mainstream technology.


Am 14.01.2017 um 18:44 schrieb werner kassens:
> Hi Dimitris,
> i as a simple user tend to think about these things in simple terms: i
> download a program, add something, upload my addition. lets take an
> upload step, _one_ simple step with monticello: i upload something once
> (git add), i upload it a second time (git commit), i upload it a third
> time (git push), i try to upload it a fourth time (pull request), only
> then i'm done (yes, there are possible shortcuts but so what). i'm sure
> all this makes sense for the seasoned coder, but i certainly won't learn
> that. <friendly grin> just as a small example how a user like me thinks
> about this.
> werner

Marten Feldtmann

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