> On 25 Jan 2017, at 22:39 , Alejandro Infante <alejandroinfant...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Cool! Thanks for the answers!
> Norbert mentions something interesting about references. 
> I have found that even though on each query mongo get the up-to-date version 
> of the objects, it does not install the proxies to look for the up-to-date 
> versions of the references of the queried object.
> I made the following experiment:
> Having two images 1 and 2 and two classes A and B, each of them having one 
> instance variable.
> —————————
> Image 1 (Create two objects, “a” referencing “b”)
> [ |a b|
> a := A new.
> b := B new
> a setInstVar: b.
> b setInstVar: ‘foo'.
> b save.
> a save.
> ]
> Image 2 (Mutates the second object, but the first is not changed)
> [
> b := (repository selectAll: A) first instVar.
> b setInstVar: ‘bar’.
> b save.
> ]
> Image 1 (Query the first object and access to the referenced object)
> [
> b := (repository selectAll: A) first instVar.
> b instVar. “-> foo”
> b := (repository selectAll: B) first.
> b instVar. “-> bar"
> ]
> This little experiment showed me that I cannot trust on the state of other 
> objects that I have not explicitly queried for. 
> Is there any way of solving this without creating new instances of voyage 
> repositories for each request?
> Thanks!
> Alejandro

Three, actually ;)

- Accept that an image will contain some stale values, and deal with conflicts 
at save time.
This is the most performant/scalable.
- Always save only root objects
More overhead since there's more likeliness of cache misses and actual reloads, 
but you can be sure any query will return the freshest value.
- Extend retrieveObjectOf:json: to either replace doc refs with proxies, or do 
eager (recursive) lookup of whether cached versions of referenced documents are 
up-to-date when returning a cached object.

In reality, only the first really makes sense; as you can never guarantee how 
long a queried object stays current.


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