
> Le 26 janv. 2017 à 16:10, stepharong <stephar...@free.fr> a écrit :
> This is great
> I would love to know what is your application and we should add it in the 
> success stories.
> Stef
>> Hi!
>> I’m close to deploy a web service using Pharo with Voyage and MongoDB. I 
>> have been playing with it and everything works ok with a single Pharo image.
>> Couple of days ago I started questioning myself about how voyage behaves 
>> when you have multiple pharo images using the same mongo database 
>> (horizontal scaling). I want to know how the cache of voyage behaves in a 
>> scenario with object updates.
>> Example: ——————————————
>> Imagine I have two images A and B.
>> - Image A query for object o and voyage put it in the cache.
>> - Image B query for object o and voyage put it in the cache.
>> - Image A updates object o and push it into the database calling #save.
>> - Image B query for object o that should be already in the cache.
>> In this case, does Image B see the changes performed by image A?
>> ——————————————
>> All ideas are welcome :)
>> Thanks and cheers!
>> Alejandro
> -- 
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