I do a lot of deployments on AWS elastic beanstalks.

I put the credentials into environment variables on the beanstalk.

When running locally, the credentials are in the environment on my machine.

> On Aug 16, 2017, at 9:55 AM, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> Hi - I’m struggling to find something that I saw that discussed this issue 
> kind of.
> In my image (its actually a headless one - but this could apply to a fat 
> image too) - I build an application that needs access to a  service (in this 
> case an S3 bucket).
> The AWS library I’m using (but others are similar) has an AWSLogin class 
> singleton where I can specify a username and password. So in a playground I 
> can do that and test it all works etc.
> However, for deployment its never a good idea to encode this info into your 
> code (particularly if you use Iceberg and GitHub) - SO, I am using secret 
> variable support in GitLab - which I’ve seen many projects do in other 
> languages. This way, I type in those details into an encrypted place in the 
> CI and it then exposes them as temporary variables when I build my system (so 
> far so good).
> Now in my build - I run a little script like this and pass on those variables 
> (neatly, Gitlab doesn’t show their values in its logs):
> ./pharo Pharo.image --no-default-preferences --save --quit st config.st 
> <http://config.st/> \
>     "{‘$USER'. ‘$PWD'}"
> In config.st <http://config.st/> I then extract these command line parameters 
> (the ST handler nicely exposes the extra parameter array so I didn’t have to 
> do anything custom)
> "Expect image to be called with params as a last arg array"
> config := Array readFrom: Smalltalk arguments last.
> user := config at: 1.
> pwd := config at: 2.
> DBConfig default
>    accessKey: user;
>    pKey: pwd;
>    yourself.
> So it all looks pretty good so far - however it occurs to me that if you get 
> hold of a .image and were to browse all of the Strings - e.g.
> ./pharo Pharo.image eval "(ByteString allInstances)”
> I think you would ulimtately find those strings unless the Class encrypts 
> them in some way right?
> So I’m wondering why we don’t have an EncryptedString object for just this 
> (I’ve seen lots of cryptography libraries etc), but isn’t this quite a common 
> thing to deal with? And should Pharo provide something that library writers 
> adopt to encourage better image safety? Or am I wrong in my analysis?
> Tim

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