Hernan -

I haven't opened an issue - how do I do it? (I'm very new to Pharo.)

About continuing the search - I only mean continuing the search of the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH directories, not the whole filesystem. Two changes would be
needed to accomplish this:

1) Athens-Cairo >> CairoLibrary would have to return a list of paths to all
the matching libraries rather than just the first one that it finds. This
part seems easy.

2) UFFI Libraries UnixDynamicLoader >> loadLibrary:flag: would have to take
the list of paths (rather than just one), check them for being 32-bit or
64-bit, and load the first correct one. I can't find any way to perform that
check in Pharo directly. How would you fork or exec the "file" command from
inside Pharo?


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