> why a step backwards?
> Pharo images are not *data* in the sense is intended for XDG_DATA_HOME.
> In practice, an image is more like a document Pharo can read… data files
> are configurations, etc. an app needs to work properly in the local
> environment.
> Pharo images instead, are modifiable/editable/whatever euphemism you want…
>  that’s why we considered more like VMWare considers their Virtual
> Machines, then they belong to some place in the home directory that is of
> easy access.

I guess I hate when applications are throwing their garbage into my $HOME
(this also goes for VirtualBox, Eclipse, and everyone else).
If I am not accessing the files directly, but they are pretty much always
managed by some other applications, then for me they are polluting $HOME.
(And yes, I sometimes do launch to image by hand, or manipulate VirtualBox
by hand, but that doesn't change the fact that it is not the primary way to
work with it.)

But no worries, I rest my case and I patch it for myself. (So no need to
add configuration for this either.)


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