On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 06:28:05AM +0000, Alistair Grant wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm attempting to load Roassal2 in to Pharo7 and am getting:
> UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #asTraitComposition
> It can be reproduced in a clean Pharo7 image, e.g.
> Pharo7.0-32bit-d1b0e3e.image (downloaded 16 Oct 2017), and executing:
> Gofer it
>     smalltalkhubUser: 'ObjectProfile' project: 'Roassal2';
>     configurationOf: 'Roassal2';
>     loadStable.
> OS: Ubuntu 16.04.
> I last rebuilt my image on 3 October without any problems.
> Any suggestions?  I suspect the combination of Monticello and Traits
> will take me quite a while to figure out.

This could simply be an ordering issue, i.e. maybe Monticello /
Metacello needs to ensure that the traits are loaded before the classes.

Presumably at some point during the load there is a list of classes that
are going to be loaded.  If someone can point me to the correct location
it will save some time tracking it down.


> Stack Trace:
> UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #asTraitComposition
> MCClassDefinition>>traitCompositionCompiled
> [ :builder | 
> builder
>       superclass: superClass;
>       name: name;
>       layoutClass: (ObjectLayout layoutForType: type);
>       slots: self instanceVariables;
>       sharedVariables: self classVariables;
>       sharedPools: self sharedPoolsString;
>       classSlots: self classInstanceVariables;
>       traitComposition: self traitCompositionCompiled;
>       classTraitComposition: self classTraitCompositionCompiled;
>       comment: comment stamp: commentStamp;
>       category: category;
>       environment: superClass environment ] in [ PharoClassInstaller
>       make: [ :builder | 
>               builder
>                       superclass: superClass;
>                       name: name;
>                       layoutClass: (ObjectLayout layoutForType: type);
>                       slots: self instanceVariables;
>                       sharedVariables: self classVariables;
>                       sharedPools: self sharedPoolsString;
>                       classSlots: self classInstanceVariables;
>                       traitComposition: self traitCompositionCompiled;
>                       classTraitComposition: self 
> classTraitCompositionCompiled;
>                       comment: comment stamp: commentStamp;
>                       category: category;
>                       environment: superClass environment ] ] in 
> MCClassDefinition>>createClass in Block: [ :builder | ...
> PharoClassInstaller class(AbstractClassInstaller class)>>make:
> [ PharoClassInstaller
>       make: [ :builder | 
>               builder
>                       superclass: superClass;
>                       name: name;
>                       layoutClass: (ObjectLayout layoutForType: type);
>                       slots: self instanceVariables;
>                       sharedVariables: self classVariables;
>                       sharedPools: self sharedPoolsString;
>                       classSlots: self classInstanceVariables;
>                       traitComposition: self traitCompositionCompiled;
>                       classTraitComposition: self 
> classTraitCompositionCompiled;
>                       comment: comment stamp: commentStamp;
>                       category: category;
>                       environment: superClass environment ] ] in 
> MCClassDefinition>>createClass in Block: [ PharoClassInstaller...
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> MCClassDefinition>>createClass
> MCClassDefinition>>load
> MCClassDefinition(MCDefinition)>>addMethodAdditionTo:
> [ :each | each addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions ] in 
> MCPackageLoader>>basicLoadDefinitions in Block: [ :each | each 
> addMethodAdditionTo: methodAddition...etc...
> [ :each | 
> | newLabel |
> "Special handling for first and last element"
> (count = 0
>       or: [ count + 1 = size
>                       or: [ (Time millisecondsSince: lastUpdate) >= msecs ] ])
>       ifTrue: [ bar current: count.
>               oldLabel = (newLabel := (labelBlock cull: each) ifNil: [ 
> oldLabel ])
>                       ifFalse: [ bar label: newLabel.
>                               oldLabel := newLabel ].
>               lastUpdate := Time millisecondClockValue ].
> aBlock value: each.
> count := count + 1 ] in [ :bar | 
> labelBlock := aStringOrBlock isString
>       ifTrue: [ bar label: aStringOrBlock.
>               [ :dummyItem | aStringOrBlock ] ]
>       ifFalse: [ aStringOrBlock ].
> self
>       do: [ :each | 
>               | newLabel |
>               "Special handling for first and last element"
>               (count = 0
>                       or: [ count + 1 = size
>                                       or: [ (Time millisecondsSince: 
> lastUpdate) >= msecs ] ])
>                       ifTrue: [ bar current: count.
>                               oldLabel
>                                       = (newLabel := (labelBlock cull: each) 
> ifNil: [ oldLabel ])
>                                       ifFalse: [ bar label: newLabel.
>                                               oldLabel := newLabel ].
>                               lastUpdate := Time millisecondClockValue ].
>               aBlock value: each.
>               count := count + 1 ] ] in 
> OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every: in Block: [ :each 
> | ...
> OrderedCollection>>do:
> [ :bar | 
> labelBlock := aStringOrBlock isString
>       ifTrue: [ bar label: aStringOrBlock.
>               [ :dummyItem | aStringOrBlock ] ]
>       ifFalse: [ aStringOrBlock ].
> self
>       do: [ :each | 
>               | newLabel |
>               "Special handling for first and last element"
>               (count = 0
>                       or: [ count + 1 = size
>                                       or: [ (Time millisecondsSince: 
> lastUpdate) >= msecs ] ])
>                       ifTrue: [ bar current: count.
>                               oldLabel
>                                       = (newLabel := (labelBlock cull: each) 
> ifNil: [ oldLabel ])
>                                       ifFalse: [ bar label: newLabel.
>                                               oldLabel := newLabel ].
>                               lastUpdate := Time millisecondClockValue ].
>               aBlock value: each.
>               count := count + 1 ] ] in 
> OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every: in Block: [ :bar 
> | ...
> BlockClosure>>cull:
> [ ^ block cull: self ] in [ self prepareForRunning.
> CurrentJob value: self during: [ ^ block cull: self ] ] in Job>>run in Block: 
> [ ^ block cull: self ]
> [ activeProcess psValueAt: index put: anObject.
> aBlock value ] in CurrentJob(DynamicVariable)>>value:during: in Block: [ 
> activeProcess psValueAt: index put: anObject....
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> CurrentJob(DynamicVariable)>>value:during:
> CurrentJob class(DynamicVariable class)>>value:during:
> [ self prepareForRunning.
> CurrentJob value: self during: [ ^ block cull: self ] ] in Job>>run in Block: 
> [ self prepareForRunning....
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> Job>>run
> MorphicUIManager(UIManager)>>displayProgress:from:to:during:
> ByteString(String)>>displayProgressFrom:to:during:
> OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every:
> OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:
> MCPackageLoader>>basicLoadDefinitions
> [ self basicLoadDefinitions ] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad in Block: [ self 
> basicLoadDefinitions ]
> [ aBlock value ] in SourceFileArray>>deferFlushDuring: in Block: [ aBlock 
> value ]
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> --

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