> On 28 Oct 2017, at 17:37 , Steffen Märcker <merk...@web.de> wrote:
> Does that mean the sets/bdd would be constructed mainly at comile time? 
> Anyway, Andrew, feel free to contact me, I might help you with this.

Thanks for the offer, Steffen!  The problem is that I need to use SmaCC for my 
current project, and really do not have a month to take off and re-design the 
way that it builds its scanner.  I’ve talked to Thierry Goubier about, and he 
doesn’t have time either!  It would be a fun project, though, and it ought to 
be fairly separate from other parts of SmaCC.  I’ve spent a fair bit of time 
thinking about how to do it, but don’t think that I will be able to actually 
focus on it.

An alternative approach, which Thierry has suggested, is to make SmaCC work on 
the UTF-8 representation of the Unicode.  Then we could represent character 
sets as prefix trees.  But the core problem would still exist: you can’t run an 
algorithm that repeatedly executes 

                for all characters in the alphabet do:

when there are 2^21 characters in the alphabet!


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