The last was a question :-P Is PharoChrome expecting to be logged in to
some Google account to work?



On 14/11/17 18:18, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
> Hi Alistair,
> The example is not working for me. When I run it, a chrome session is
> open but nothing happens there, except that my image gets frozen until I
> close chrome and then I get this message: "ConnectionTimedOut: Cannot
> connect to". What is the expected behavior? PharoChrome
> expects the user to have a Google account or be logged in by default to
> work (that would be a shame for those of us that don't a Google account
> and still value our privacy).
> Thanks,
> Offray
> On 14/11/17 11:26, Alistair Grant wrote:
>> I've committed some fixes to the development branch:
>> 1. MacOS hopefully works now (I don't have access to the platform, so
>> can't test it).
>> 2. The development version of Beacon is loaded (which is required for
>> the InMemoryLogger).
>> 3. The README is a tiny bit better.
>> 4. Added #extractTables.
>> As an example of how historical stock market data can be extracted,
>> the following retrieves data for the Australian S&P200 index from
>> yahoo:
>> | rootNode tables historicalData dataFrame |
>> rootNode := GoogleChrome get:
>> ''.
>> tables := rootNode extractTables.
>> historicalData := (tables sorted: #size ascending) last.
>> dataFrame := DataFrame fromRows: (historicalData select: [ :each |
>> each size = 7 ]).
>> dataFrame asStringTable.
>> "
>>      |  1             2         3         4         5         6
>>     7
>> -----+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 1    |  Date          Open      High      Low       Close*    Adj
>> Close**  Volume
>> 2    |  Nov 14, 2017  6,021.80  6,021.80  5,957.10  5,966.00  5,966.00
>>     -
>> 3    |  Nov 13, 2017  6,029.40  6,029.40  6,010.70  6,021.80  6,021.80
>>     -
>> 4    |  Nov 10, 2017  6,049.40  6,049.40  6,020.70  6,029.40  6,029.40
>>     -
>> etc.
>> "
>> To load the development version on MacOS or Linux in a 32 bit image:
>> "Assuming you don't have OSProcess loaded:"
>> Metacello new
>>     configuration: 'OSSubprocess';
>>     repository: 'github://marianopeck/OSSubprocess:master/repository';
>>     version: #stable;
>>     load.
>> Metacello new
>>     baseline: 'Chrome';
>>     repository: 'github://akgrant43/Pharo-Chrome:development/repository';
>>     load.
>> Cheers,
>> Alistair
>> On 12 November 2017 at 20:09, Alistair Grant <> wrote:
>>> Hi Sean,
>>> Thanks for your feedback!  (responses below)
>>> On 12 November 2017 at 18:11, Sean P. DeNigris <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Alistair Grant wrote
>>>> Wow, that was a wild ride!
>>> Sorry about that.
>>>> Lessons learned along the way:
>>>> 1. On a Mac, to use the snazzy `chrome` terminal command referenced all 
>>>> over
>>>> the place in the docs, you must first `alias chrome="/Applications/Google\
>>>>\ Chrome"`
>>> I'm an Ubuntu Linux user, however if you look at OSXChromePlatform
>>> class>>defaultExecutableLocation you can see that is where it should
>>> be looking for the exe, so the alias shouldn't really be necessary.
>>> Torsten wrote this, so maybe has more insight.
>>>> 2. Chrome must be started with certain flags: `chrome
>>>> --remote-debugging-port=9222 --disable-gpu` (not sure if the last flag is
>>>> needed, but `#get:` seemed to hang before using; reference
>>> I've been using this without headless mode.  I'll add a headless flag
>>> that also disables the gpu.
>>>> 3. Beacon has renamed InMemoryLogger to MemoryLogger
>>>> 4. I guess Beacon has renamed `#log` to `#emit`
>>> Sorry about that.  I didn't realise that the Pharo-Chrome baseline is
>>> loading Beacon stable while my install script upgrades it to
>>> #development.  #development is more recent, so I'll update the
>>> baseline.
>>>> 5. I had to comment out `chromeProcess sigterm.` because `chromeProcess` 
>>>> was
>>>> nil and also #sigterm seemed not to be defined anywhere in the image. I'm
>>>> not sure what the issue is there.
>>> chromeProcess is set in GoogleChrome>>openURL:.  Can you give me a
>>> small example that demonstrates the problem?
>>> #sigterm is implemented by OSSUnixSubprocess, which is what I
>>> ultimately use to launch the Chrome process on Ubuntu.
>>> But... this will be broken on Mac at the moment because the current
>>> method of launching chrome doesn't keep track of the process, so
>>> doesn't support #sigterm.  Do you know if OSSUnixSubprocess works on
>>> Mac?  If it does, I can update the code (but not test it :-().
>>>> Pull request issued for #3 & #4.
>>> Once I update the baseline this shouldn't be required.
>>>> Also, I'm not sure what platforms you
>>>> support, but you may want to tag the example methods with <gtExample> or
>>>> similar so that they are runnable from the browser and open an inspector if
>>>> there is an interesting return value.
>>> Good idea, I'll do this.
>>> I'm also making a few other changes:
>>> 1. Add an #extractTables method that searches through the page and
>>> returns an array of rows for each table it finds in the page
>>> (something that can easily be loaded in to DataFrame using #fromRows:,
>>> but I don't want to make Pharo-Chrome dependent on DataFrame at the
>>> moment).  Most of the time I use Pharo-Chrome it is extracting data
>>> from tables.
>>> 2. I don't know of any reliable way to tell when a page has loaded
>>> since there can always be javascript that periodically updates the
>>> page.  At the moment it waits until the page hasn't changed for a
>>> configurable amount of time.  I'm planning to add a check for specific
>>> content to determine if the page is considered loaded.
>>> 3. Add some documentation to the readme :-)
>>>> -----
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Sean
>>> I'll let you know when I have a new version available (hopefully in
>>> the next few days).
>>> Thanks again,
>>> Alistair

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