
I don't think you can compare #halt with Breakpoints. Breakpoints have two main advantages over halts:

 * They do not change source code, so there is no diff between a method
   version with and without this debugging aid. Helps a lot, especially
   in times when you urgenztly need to fix a bug in production code.
   There's no time to read diffs that baiscally have zero meaning
   saturday nights at 2:00 AM...
 * They cannot easily be packaged into the production/runtime image,
   because they are not part of the source code. Thus it cannot be
   "forgotten" when you deploy.
   This is not relevant in Pharo, where there is no packaging step as
   in VW or VAST, but there it really is. A halt in production code
   makes for a great monday morning when the new version was just
   shipped ;-)

So when you work on code to actually ship into users' hands, there are quite some good arguments for Breakpoints. There's more to them, like conditional Breakpoints that make debugging a bug so much easier and Watchpoints, but these would make my message way too long.

Of course all of the above-mentioned things can be achieved using appropriate handlers for #halt and add stuff to them or make #halts just ignored at deployment time, but these are also steps that can be forgotten...


Am 27.12.17 um 00:26 schrieb Ben Coman:
Hi Andrei,

On 26 December 2017 at 09:51, Andrei Stebakov < <>> wrote:

    Can I expect that break points in Pharo work in the same way as in
    Visual Works?
    When I set a break point in Pharo (6.1 on Windows), it displays a
    red dot with an exclamation mark and when I send this message to
    an object, the debugger doesn't get invoked.

Sorry I'm not familiar with VisualWorks.
If I define this method (Pharo 6.1 on Linux)...
    Object >> myTest
        "Object new myTest"
        self halt.
        self inform: 'test'.

then evaluate the comment, a debugger is invoked.

If your example is different, could you explain it in more detail?

cheers -ben

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