Hi - when trying out the new Iceberg with a bunch of developers and explaining 
the challenges of integrating git and files into a smalltalk realm of the image 
- there was a lot of interest in how this works.

When you clone - you obviously see a series of files (in Tonel - nice) that are 
then brought into your image. If you edit a file like Readme.md (using a 
markdown editor) you will notice that git status will show you that this file 
has changed. However if you then edit some methods - and then look in the file 
system - git status doesn’t show these? This in retrospect possibly feels weird 
- or does it? I’m not sure anymore - and was wondering if there was a specific 
reason behind not mirroring code changes back to the file system as they happen?

When you branch in Pharo, a command line git status does show that change - so 
some things clearly are being mirrored, just not code (Which I’m guess happens 
briefly when you click commit?).

I’m curious now to understand the tradeoffs.


p.s. it is very nice for small private projects, to use a git client on your 
phone - edit a method or two on the train, commit your changes and then see 
your CI build the results and deploy a new website by the time you get off… yes 
its not the rich smalltalk environment for bigger changes - but tiny stuff, its 
quite nice to fallback on the traditional way.

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