Actually I missed that one - thanks. Would have been a useful one to show 
everyone when we went through the commit process - it’s very good.

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> On 22 May 2018, at 17:16, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:
> Partial answer, but you saw this, right ?
>> On 22 May 2018, at 17:23, Tim Mackinnon <> wrote:
>> Hi - when trying out the new Iceberg with a bunch of developers and 
>> explaining the challenges of integrating git and files into a smalltalk 
>> realm of the image - there was a lot of interest in how this works.
>> When you clone - you obviously see a series of files (in Tonel - nice) that 
>> are then brought into your image. If you edit a file like (using a 
>> markdown editor) you will notice that git status will show you that this 
>> file has changed. However if you then edit some methods - and then look in 
>> the file system - git status doesn’t show these? This in retrospect possibly 
>> feels weird - or does it? I’m not sure anymore - and was wondering if there 
>> was a specific reason behind not mirroring code changes back to the file 
>> system as they happen?
>> When you branch in Pharo, a command line git status does show that change - 
>> so some things clearly are being mirrored, just not code (Which I’m guess 
>> happens briefly when you click commit?).
>> I’m curious now to understand the tradeoffs.
>> Tim
>> p.s. it is very nice for small private projects, to use a git client on your 
>> phone - edit a method or two on the train, commit your changes and then see 
>> your CI build the results and deploy a new website by the time you get off… 
>> yes its not the rich smalltalk environment for bigger changes - but tiny 
>> stuff, its quite nice to fallback on the traditional way.

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