> Am 19.06.2018 um 15:22 schrieb Guillermo Polito <guillermopol...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 2:07 PM Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name 
> <mailto:norb...@hartl.name>> wrote:
> Hi,
> let me wear the project manager hat for a moment.
> let me too, because the fact that I'm younger does not mean I don't know, 
> right? :)
It has more to do with experience then with age. Well, the one thing enables 
sometimes the other but there is no strict causality, right.

>> Am 19.06.2018 um 10:59 schrieb Guillermo Polito <guillermopol...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:guillermopol...@gmail.com>>:
>> Hi,
>> About why 1.1.1 and not 1.2.0. It’s not about cheap or not, but about 
>> semantics :)
> for me „caring about semantics“ is just one of the top ten justifications 
> developers use for the changes they did.
> Maybe, and putting the hat of project manager is usually a justification for 
> somebody that is not good at technical stuff.
> But I know that's not like it, so please let's not enter into this, I've felt 
> a little insulted by this comment...
That is pretty clear by what you wrote. It wasn’t meant to be personal so 
please don’t take it like that. So do I. 
>> We can agree that there is no hard rule on versionning, do we? But I try to 
>> follow the following guidelines (delta my own interpretation that adds some 
>> subjectivity :P)
>> - Major Version will change when we break backwards compatibility
>> - Minor Version will change when new features are added
>> - Otherwise, patch version will change.
> There is only one hard rule for me and that is knowing about the risk to take.
> That's a matter of conventions. We agree that version 1.1.x is compatible 
> with 1.1.y.
> So if we take the patch version it should only include important bug fixes 
> and nothing else. I would argue that only #864, #862, #858 and #854 qualify 
> for such a patch if at all.
> So they are to my view. They should not introduce any compatibility issue.
> And if they do, that's an error, but we are too few helping here, doing our 
> best...
My mail was meant to be a plea for exactly this. If you don’t think the hot-fix 
(I like that much more than patch) solves a show stopper for a lot of users of 
this version you don’t put it in a patch version. If it is in the slightest 
sense an improvement don’t put into a patch version but a minor on. Because I 
don’t want to have my stuff broken but I choose to update in order to get the 
improvement hence a deliberate action. If all of these commits are hot-fixes 
then take my big excuse for bringing this up.

> Not sure about #860 because the title is not specific enough. 
> Please, I'll let you judge it for yourself
> https://github.com/pharo-vcs/iceberg/pull/860/files 
> <https://github.com/pharo-vcs/iceberg/pull/860/files>
> But to me that change applies to patch. It actually fixes a compatibility 
> issue that was introduced in 1.1.0.
> The point for me is that I want my project to rely on something like 1.1.x 
> because I don’t want anything to change that breaks my software. And I can 
> tell you that most developers underestimate the side-effects of changes. 
> I'm well aware of this. But do you have a concrete issue?
For what?

>> So I don’t assign a new version number regarding the number of changes but 
>> about what they mean...
> To mean they mean it is a risk to use that version and you define how big 
> that is.
> We are trying to do weekly releases, we could do better but again. I can 
> count with my hand fingers people contributing with actual commits and issues 
> in the issue tracker.
This time it is not about having more but less in a version.
>> Now, I considered myself this release as a patch because mostly little bugs 
>> here and there were fixed.
>> Moreover, one of the changes done in the credentials manager was to 
>> *recover* some backwards compatibility for people setting up credentials in 
>> settings files.
>> Of course, to this we add to this that my own interpretation saying that the 
>> changes do not break compatibility nor add features :)
> You see you said „mostly bugs“ and that is the error already.
> I'm sorry for not being perfect...
> I mean we come from an amateurish behaviour that we change released artefacts.
> I assure you I do my best on it, and I'm one of the first that cries aloud 
> when there are versionning and dependencies problems.
> What I do not understand if this mail was meant as a lesson for the community 
> or should I take it personally...
I know you do your best. And I know that you are a really good developer that 
does great stuff all the time. It is neither meant as a lesson nor something 
you should take personally. I do not often raise my wishes because I always 
need to assurance it is something really important and not something I want out 
of my current mood. But this is something I have no doubt about so I bring it 
up. And I do all of this for quite some time and that does count, too. 

> That is not discussable just a no-go.
> I know and I'm against it. So we agree, right?

> The reason was it would have wasted a huge amount of time to do a new 
> version. So ok it was a loose-loose situation. Now we can do it better and I 
> want something far less amateurish. So you can discuss your semantics about 
> what major and minor versions in pharo mean but patch needs to be the 
> definition of the combination: least risk - highest value.
> Would you help us measuring the risk?
>> Now, this is the kind of subjective topic that starts a flamewar, but I’d 
>> prefer to use my time on somewhat else ^^.
> You may not like to talk about these things but I do. And you should listen.
> I mostly do [enjoy such discussions] but what I learn from this discussion is:
>  - you think I'm stupid, or young, or both, so I don't know
>  - we are all amateurs
No, it is more like
- you took it as a personal insult. That was not my intention and I apologize
- well, we includes me. There are things that I have a pretty solid opinion 
about and that is what I want to raise. And I want to bring that into the 
community. It is also important work

> I have no use for an environment where people only care about coding new cool 
> stuff.
> I'm fu*** trying to make Iceberg as stable as possible, If I was just wanting 
> to do new cool stuff I would not be doing this.
I know.


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