On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 10:28 AM Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
<offray.l...@mutabit.com> wrote:
> For example, in Latin America I have not seen a huge movement about new 
> pronouns and I don't know any of such for Spanish.

The movement in LATAM started by the use of gender-neutral plurals,
with some phonetic aberrations that cannot be even spelled to a more
pronunciable alternative that seems to be sticking. Actually it's very
easy to spot SJW because they overuse such language. There were some
attempts to use it in pronouns, but apparently there is a language
thing in Spanish that makes it harder to stick.

> The raised concerns about a Code that states punishment without restoration 
> or defense is an important one,
> but also are the ones about technical communities where improper behavior is 
> allowed because is not a "technical issue".

It's simple to define improper behavior as something that is not
aligned with the objective or purpose of the mailing list.

> We may lock for examples in different communities to see which one fits 
> better our own.

It is, but the simpler the rules the simple to enforce them.
E.g. I've been part of a team of 10 moderators in an online community
of 40K+ members (with 1% active daily) for over two years now, we grew
our own CoC over time, but it is not harmful as this "Covenant"
proposed. And in that amount of members I can guarantee you (by
experience) that there is a myriad of different opinions even within
the "clusters" of those ruled by identity politics.

> This is an important conversation to have, once it has been raised.

Maybe, but as I said before, this mailing list, and the community in
general is very civilized, even by old Internet standards.


Esteban A. Maringolo

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