On 19 October 2019 at 10.51.53, Norbert Hartl (norb...@hartl.name) wrote:

Am 18.10.2019 um 11:33 schrieb Kasper Østerbye <kasper.oster...@gmail.com>:

I am working on a pillar to `Text` generator. Here I found concatenation to
be simpler to handle as I can add bold, italics, indentation, etc. in a
much simpler way. To use a streaming method I would have to introduce both
Canvas and Aggregate brushes. Doable indeed, but much less concise.

I started to do exactly the same. Well I started to do a converter between
pillar markup and text attributes, but I think you do the same. We probably
should talk. Is you code anywhere public?


I have the basic pillar rendering done: headers, lists, bold, emphasis,
images, links (including a “open browser on method” link).

My main *remaining issue is to do tables* somehow. Any hints on how to
render tables inside a text?

It is not on github atm - I need a pull request to come through
<https://github.com/pillar-markup/pillar/pull/391> there before I can be a
modular extension.

I’ll try to get it up on my own github sometime Monday.

I am currently working on a github markdown -> pillar tree (the internal
rep of pillar). I estimate I am a few days out from that one.



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