Hello, colleague. 

I'm also working in the same domain, primarily on the target of adapting the
Actor model (async distributed messaging) for IoT systems in a wide: from
deeply embedded nodes to top-level north-side cloud cervices.

I like Pharo as a workstation system and IDE, but I'm not looking Pharo as a
self-hosted platform for my needs. The problem is all IoT infrastructure it
tightly bound with low-level C for nodes and Java for top-side. There are
dozens and hundreds of existing projects, firmware source codes, platforms,
etc which I must integrate with as is.

As you know, Smalltalk is well known as bad in interaction with other
existing projects, due to its architecture mostly close to the guest OS but
not a programming language. If anybody doubts, try to use it the same way as
Lua engine: embed into existing C#/Java project, or bind it with any
randomly selected C++ library in a click, like Qt, LLVM, wxWidgets or
something fat like this.

The way looks me affordable to survive Smalltalk as a development platform
is metaprogramming = code generation. We can build a domain model of the
system we want to build (and integrate) and next generate C(++) source code
by transpiling this model to the required target language. The Pharo gives
as a very comfortable environment for model transformations, playing with
transpilation and generic knowledge representation, and at the same time, it
will not be involved in a target system we build.

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