This is what I provided the JRMPC participants: (see "How
to learn Smalltalk programming"). I'm not sure how I could've done better,

You make an excellent point about duplication and keeping documentation
up-to-date. However, there has to be some middle ground that makes it easier
and more convenient for new developers to find the tools they need. Perhaps
a synoptical reference showing the more common classes used, such as
collections, web-related classes, time-related classes, exception and error
classes, file system-related classes, process-related classes, and so on.
These classes ought not to change much, if at all.

Tim Mackinnon wrote
> Or we teach people to fish…? What’s the point of duplicating everything
> that’s already in the image anyway - we just need to be cleverer or ensure
> that people know to look there and have the right onboarding experience to
> do that? Otherwise its just another thing that gets out of date very
> rapidly and we already have enough problems with that.
> I’d be interested in what intro material Richard gave the students to
> start with (after all - he has quite a few tutorials of his own, some of
> which I had followed - but I suspect they are out of date now themselves).
> When you launch pharo there is the helpful welcome screen - did the
> student’s actually use it and follow what it says?
> And did we see any of them in this forum (or was that against the rules?)
> Tim
>> On 24 Mar 2020, at 17:28, Ben Coman <

> btc@

> > wrote:
>> Pharo has some good documentation, but its more lesson-based than a
>> library reference.
>> Those of us familiar with Pharo know the tricks to use the system itself
>> as that reference, but I'd imagine this is an unfamiliar workflow for
>> newcomers.
>> I have seen before a class library reference generated from the image,
>> but I couldn't put my hands on it right now.
>> @all, is it still being generated?. This might provide newcomers
>> something more familiar to work with.
>> cheers -ben
>> On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 at 03:00, Richard Kenneth Eng <

> horrido.hobbies@

>  <mailto:

> horrido.hobbies@

> >> wrote:
>> <>
>> FWIW, 95% of respondents pointed to the lack of reference documentation
>> for the class library as the major obstacle to learning Smalltalk/Pharo.
>> Richard

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