I'm a little confused and still drinking my coffee. What is the issue here
and how was anyone "taken?" Maybe I missed something.
eBay is what it is. I seldom buy there but it was a one line description
with parts in the title. Three people bid and it went to $31.00. The under
bidder was $30.00. Should the seller lose the sale and maybe the under
bidder and why? Not trying to be harsh here but it seemed pretty straight up
to me. Bidders have obligations too. I will have faith in people when they
get a good deal and offer to pay what an item is really worth but that is
the essence of an auction after all, imho. That is to say inherent in
auctions are you pay what you are willing to pay and "takes your chances."
You pay to much, you pay to little, you buy junk, you buy good stuff.

BTW I did make a recent buy on eBay, the shipping cost the seller more than
quoted (eBay forces the issue), I told the seller I would pay the
difference. He wrote back and said I would be the first, I said the CASH is
already sent. I have a whopping 115 by my name and a member since early '97.
I like to see what I buy and am very risk adverse. I will say eBay is a
great source for parts.

Oldcranky  Mike

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 12:48 AM, Robert Wright <esrobe...@hotmail.com>wrote:

> Wow.  What a kind thing to do, John.  Restores a bit of faith in mankind!
>  Way to go.
> > Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 23:16:23 -0800
> > From: john9...@pacbell.net
> > To: phono-l@oldcrank.org
> > Subject: Re: [Phono-L] What did I buy? Ebay item 220523099867
> >
> > I wrote to the seller to gently educate her on the item and she said she
> was going to let the buyer off the hook because she didn't want to be
> dishonest. Let us know if she sets you free!
> > John Robles.
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