Since this is built on top of phonegap it is developed as a html/JavaScript
application. So It is common to every platform. Here the phonegap web
application (i.e www folder in android app) is meant by by application and
resources. Reference:

As you said android platform is very fragmented. So we must put
our concentration on the web app which runs on top of phonegap. Not as a
android app itself.

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 12:27 AM, Avdhesh Yadav <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 11:52 PM, Luciano Resende <
>> Today, the mobile trunk seems to have the application to it's root
>> folder. That assumes we only support one device (in this case
>> Android). I want to produce an iOS version of the client, and would
>> try to refactor some of the code over the weekend to something more
>> flexible. I was thinking on something more like :
>> /photoark         <-- this is where the application and resources, etc
>> would live
> What do you mean by application and resources?.Do you mean common
> artificats both in ios and android ?
>> /client-android <-- this is the android client generated by phonegap
> /client-ios         <-- this is the ios client generated by phonegap
>> I haven't tried the Android Phonegap, but in iOS/Xcode project,
>> draging/linking the html5 application www (in this case photoark)
>> folder is enough to get the application happy. How does this work on
>> the Android side ?
> Not tried but i think it should work with android also?But we need to
> One thought is that both the platforms are very different from look and
> feel to programming model.We should share minimum things and keep
> things separate as much as possible to avoid glitches.Specially Android
> platform is very fragmented(lot of versions and soooo many devices from
> different manufacturers) compared to IOS.
>> --
>> Luciano Resende
> --
> Avdhesh Yadav

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