At 06:42 AM 9/26/2002 -0700, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> >     There is little point in maintaining backwards compatibility
> >     if it can be established that there is no need for it
> >     anymore.
>My worry is that this change appears to have absolutely no positive
>aspects and only negative potential.  We know browsers exist that cannot
>handle 4-digit years.  Early WebTV boxes don't, early Netscape don't.  We
>do not know of any browsers that cannot handle 2-digit years.  Hence I
>fail to see the upside with this change.
>Your reasoning is that somebody will at some point write a browser that
>can't handle 2-digit years and thus we should risk breaking existing apps
>for a small percentage of users.  I think we should worry about this when
>such a browser actually surfaces.

I agree with Rasmus on this one. Let's be practical on this issue and not 


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