I have three tables, whereby I have used a select statement to extract
some of the fields from each and one of the tables.

$sqlstmt ="SELECT stock_in.id, equip.equip_type, equip.brand,
equip.model, vendor.name ";
$sqlstmt.="FROM stock_in,equip,vendor ";
$sqlstmt.="WHERE equip.id=equip_id and vendor.id=vendor_id and
equip.equip_type='Network Server'";


I know the $sqlstmt query does work. But if I do a mysql_fetch_array and
assign it to a variable called $myrow,

while ($myrow=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

how do I display the content array $myrow? When I do a,

printf("%s ", $myrow["equip.equip_type"]);

nothing is visible.


Thanks in advance.


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