Hi Kancha,

   Try this one.


"kancha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all
> I have a text file with email addresses. Each line contains one email
> address. I read the file using file() function. Below is a snippet of my
> code
>  $staff = file("staff");
>  for($x=0; $x<count($staff); $x++){
>    $to = $staff[$x];
>    mail($to, "New User Added", $mailBody, "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]");
>  }
> the snippet does send mail to all the address listed in the file staff but
> the header from of the mail is not [EMAIL PROTECTED], but when i replace
> with a string like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" everything works fine. The from  header is
> set to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and the subject also appears.
> I'm using php 4.0.1pl1 with apache 1.3 in a linux box. what could be the
> problem??
> kancha
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