Hi Mike,

You will get better performance if you store the row as one session variable
(an associative array),
rather than one session variable per row element.

You can get the associative array using mysql_fetch_array($rs,MYSQL_ASSOC) i

Regards, John

> Hi,
>  I am trying to write a function that will:
>  - take a list of mysql tables as an array ($sqltables)
>  - take a unique row identifier common to all tables ($rid)
>  - iterate through the $sqltables array and fetch the row for each table
> where rid = $rid
>  - discover the names of the fields in each table and do
> session_register for all of them
>  - set the value of each session_registered variable to the row contents
> for that $rid
>  - go to the next table and do it again, until all tables have been
> queried and all variables have been discovered and populated
>  I just need some help. Here is what I have written from the top of my
> head:
> Thanks in advance,
> Mike
> PS: please reply to my address personaly also!
> -----------------------------------------------
> <?php
> function load_all($rid) {
>     // this is a list of sql tables stored in an array that we will
> iterate through
>     // and use to populate session variables
>     include("/usr/local/apache/htdocs/survey/inc/sqltables.inc");
>     for($Index=0;$Index<count($sqltables);$Index++) {
>         // select the database for usage
>         mysql_select_db($db2, $competency_link);
>         // query the table for the row containing $rid
>         $sql_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $sqltables[$Index] WHERE
> rid = $rid");
>         $result = mysql_query($sql_query);
>         // fetch the row
>         $myrow = msyql_fetch_array($result);
>         // return the values of each fieldname as variables with same
> name
>         // count the fields in the row
>         $num_fields = mysql_num_fields($myrow);
>         for($fieldindex=0;$index<count($num_fields);$fieldindex++) {
>             // return the field names
>             $fieldname = mysql_field_name($num_fields[$fieldindex]);
>             // return the values of each fieldname as variables with
> same name
>             session_register('fieldname');
>         }
>     }
> }
> ?>

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