If you are running windows, I suggest you download the .chm version of the
php manual, great for easy searching and bookmarking pages etc.


To answer your question, the first piece of code will be, replace:

$output = <<<EOQ


$output = print("</form>");

and the next replace:

$output = <<<EOQ
<input type="text" name="$name" value="$value" size="$size" $maxatt>


$output =print("<input type=\"text\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\"
size=\"$size\" $maxatt>");

When using the print statement you must remember to escape all " within the
parenthesis with \


----- Original Message -----
From: "Darren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

: You are exactly right from what I can tell.  I did you you suggested
: and it worked!  There are several of those in the document.  Looked
: it up in the book and have a limited idea on what it is, and also
: learning from your example I have a better Idea.  But I did a search
: for here docs, on the PHP site and couldn't find anything.  I think
: I can probably figure out the other 6 or 7 in the document but I
: can't figure this on out.
: here tis
: // This function returns an HTML </form> tag.
: function end_form ()
: {
: $output = <<<EOQ
: </form>
: EOQ;
: return $output;
: }
: *******
: I know this must be simple but I just can't get it yet.  I tried
: experimenting and putting other code in there to replace it but
: nothing has worked... yet.
: Thanks again for the help
: Darren
: PS here is the next one in case you felt like looking at it
: // This function returns an HTML text input field. The default size
: // of the field is 10. A value and maximum data length for the field
: // may be supplied.
: function text_field ($name="", $value="", $size=10, $maxlen="")
: {
: $maxatt = empty($maxlen) ? "" : "maxlength=\"$maxlen\"";
: $output = <<<EOQ
: <input type="text" name="$name" value="$value" size="$size" $maxatt>
: EOQ;
: return $output;
: }

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