> Trying again...

> Is there an easy way (say using eregi_replace) to find a link reference 
> in a blob of text and add the <a href> anchor around it? Something like:
>       "text has a link to a website at 
> http://www.whatever.com/mydirectory/mypage.html ..."
> and converts it to
>       "text has a link to a website at <a 
> href='http://www.whatever.com/mydirectory/mypage.html'>website</a> ..."
> My thoughts are that I should be able to do something like a 
> eregi_replace, finding any occurances of http:// and trapping all 
> non-space characters following it to convert to the anchor. But what 
> about multiples? How do I rebuild the text with the substitute strings?
> Thanks in advance
> Terry

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