A sample of what you were trying would have been helpful...

If I understood your problem right, the solution is a piece of code like this:

  while ($myrow=mysql_fetch_row($result))
    if ($colcount==$desiredcolcount)
    if (!$colcount)
    echo("<td>[your output here]</td>\n");
  if ($colcount)
    for (;$colcount<$desiredcolcount;$colcount++)

Chris Payne wrote:

> Hi there everyone,
> This is probably a really simple problem but for the life of me I can't figure out 
>what i'm doing wrong.
> My problem is I am getting 20+ results from a DB to display without any problems 
>with the images etc ..... but they display one ontop of another (Of course with 
>spacing underneath etc ...)  The problem however is that when I try to format the 
>layout in a table it screws up.
> I need the results to display 3 across and however many down as needed, but I can 
>only get it to display either one ontop of the other or all of them going across the 
>top of the screen which stretches the screen out unacceptably.
> Please help me, I need to know how the table code should be to allow me to display 2 
>or 3 items across and then down.
> Thank you all for your help and Merry Christmas :-)
> Chris

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