On Monday 28 January 2002 14:57, Jason Wong wrote:

> > Somehow when I print the value of $query, it looks fine.
> > Then, when I change $query a bit and print it again,
> > it looks fine.
> > Change it a third time, and it suddenly gets the value it
> > had in the beginning.

> Could you post some code please?

Well, for instance, this screws up the $query. It works if one clicks
once on the next-button, but clicking another time resets the query to

        FROM uusi_lehtitaulu L, nimet N 
        WHERE (L.Nimi_id=N.id AND  N.Nimi LIKE "asdf") 
        LIMIT 0,20

if($go=="next") {
        if($page < $nr_pages && $page >= 0) {
                 $replace_with= (($page) * 20).",";
                 echo "replace_with: " . $replace_with;
                 $replace = (($page-1) * 20).",";
                 echo "replace: " .$replace;

It's the LIMIT 0,20 -> LIMIT 20,20 -> LIMIT 40,20 that doesn't work. Strange thing is, 
it worked about a week ago. : \ 
I can't really recall changing that part of the code at all at that point.


Markus Lervik
Linux-administrator with a kungfoo grip
Vaasa City Library - Regional Library
+358-6-325 3589 / +358-40-832 6709

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