I have a question, let's say i have my main page (so called) called

I have also displayed a buttonin index.php, which i will used the
"onClick" event to trigger a "window.open" function to the same main
page, "index.php" (but with parameters).

<input type="button" value="Add New Records"
onClick="parent.location.href='<% echo $PHP_SELF; %>?action=addnew';">

so my index.php should have these codes

if( $action == addnew )
else {

NOTE: i'm using asp tags set in php.ini

during the adding of new records, i have also display another button
called "Close Window". And when I close this, how do i force the main
page (which is in a different window to refresh, to display the newly
added records). This is because after I have closed the add new records
window, and close it, i would have to have either a refresh button or
you would have to refresh it yourself.

And thanks in advance.


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