Don't forget to quote the strings and run addslashes.

"Christian Schneider" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> sorry to post just after subscribing but I didn't find anything in the
> I have to port an Oracle-based system to MySQL and am now investigating
> how to get rid of the Oracle specialities. I neither wrote the system
> nor do I fully understand how it's working yet, so I might miss something.
> The biggest trouble spot seems to be the use of the ora_bind functions
> as in the following example:
> $e = db_parse ($curs, "insert into usercomments values
> "."(:pkey,:pser,:pnam,:pema,:pdat,:ptxt,:psub,:pref) ")
> if ( ! $e ):
>        $err = "Error in insert statement!";
>        $errn = $curs;
>     else:
>        db_bind ($curs, "param_key", ":pkey", 6, 1);
>        db_bind ($curs, "param_ser", ":pser", 16, 1);
>        db_bind ($curs, "param_nam", ":pnam", 128, 1);
>        db_bind ($curs, "param_ema", ":pema", 128, 1);
>        db_bind ($curs, "param_dat", ":pdat", 64, 1);
>        db_bind ($curs, "param_txt", ":ptxt", 1024, 1);
>        db_bind ($curs, "param_sub", ":psub", 128, 1);
>        db_bind ($curs, "param_ref", ":pref", 16, 1);
>        if (!db_exec ($curs)):
>           $err = "Could not execute insert statement, sorry!";
>           $errn = $curs;
>        else:
>        endif;
>     endif;
> The problem is that I don't really see what the use of the ora_bind is
> here. Is there anything that would forbid the port to:
> mysql_query("insert into usercomments values( $param_key, $param_ser,
> ..., $param_ref)");
> Or am I missing something substantial here?
> Thanks a lot,
> Christian
> --
> Christian Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Zentrum für Angewandte Informatik --.. .- .. -.-
> Universitätsweiter Service .-. .-. --.. -.-
> + Universität zu Köln + Robert-Koch-Str. 10 + D-50931 Köln
> + Tel. +49 221 478 7021 +

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