Ah, I just knew there must be an easy way of doing it. Thanks Rick !

Is there a good reference on stuff like this with some examples ?
Am I pushing the friendship ? :-)

Rick Emery wrote:
> $HTTP_POST_VARS or $_POST is an associative array that holds the keys and
> values for all inputs/selects in  form from the submitted page.  Use
> array_keys() to determine the names of all your list boxes to examine each
> key and its value.  Or you can use the list($key,$val) =
> each($HTTP_POST_VARS) construct to extract each key and value.
> So then you just walk through the array and process each entry.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris MacKenzie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 8:47 AM
> To: Rick Emery
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Submitting Dynamic Form
> Hi Rick,
> Here's a code snippet (less error checking). Basically there could be as
> many as twnety questions listed with their associated listboxes of
> possible answers. Also be aware that ms-sql identity type is similar to
> mysqls autoincrement type except that once a record is deleted, that
> identity value is never used again.
> My problem is that since the question_id field is never guaranteed to be
> sequential and seeing that I have named the answer listboxes with the
> question_id field, what is a good way to extract the values from the
> form and perform an update query ?
> How can I do this if I don't know what the question_id values will be ?
> -- CUT
> $sql= "SELECT * FROM tbl_exam_questions ORDER BY question_id;";
> $result=mssql_query($sql,$conn1);
> $numrows = mssql_num_rows($result);
> print '<form method="POST" action="submit_exam_answers.php" name="F1">';
> ## List All Questions and load the possible answers into list box.
> for($cnt = 0; $cnt < $numrows; $cnt++){
>         $row = mssql_fetch_array($result);
>         print '<p>'.$row["question_text"].'</p>';
>         print 'My Answer is: <select size="1"
> name="'.$row["question_id"].'"><option selected value="0">- SELECT ONE
> -</option>';
>         ## Now fetch the possible answers and load it into the list box.
>         $pa_sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_exam_answers WHERE question_id =
> ".$row["question_id"].";";
>         $pa_result = mssql_query($pa_sql,$conn1);
>         $pa_numrows = mssql_num_rows($pa_result);
>         for($pa_cnt = 0; $pa_cnt < $pa_numrows; $pa_cnt++) {
>           $pa_row = mssql_fetch_array($pa_result);
>           print '<option
> value="'.$pa_row["id"].'">'.$pa_row["p_answers"].'</option>';
>         }
>         print '</select><br><hr><br>';
>         ## Finished Loading Possible Answers into list box.
> }
> print '<p><input type="submit" value="Save Answer" name="Submit"><input
> type="reset" value="Reset Form" name="Reset"></p></form>';
> -- CUT
> Oh, and before I forget tbl_exam_questions.correct_answer holds the
> relevent id entry from tbl_exam_answers
> > what happened when you extracted the form field names from the DB?
> >
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> I'm pretty new to the whole php thing and I'm currently making an
> >> multiple choice exam type of thing with php/mssql.
> >>
> >> The two tables  concerned are called tbl_exam_questions and
> >> tbl_exam_questions which are defined like so.
> >>
> >> [tbl_exam_questions] (
> >>         [question_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
> >>         [question_text] [varchar] (355) NOT NULL ,
> >>         [correct_answer] [int] NOT NULL
> >> ) ON [PRIMARY]
> >>
> >> [tbl_exam_answers] (
> >>         [id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
> >>         [question_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
> >>         [p_answers] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL
> >> ) ON [PRIMARY]
> >>
> >> What I'm trying to do is to pull all the questions out and display them
> >> with the possible answer in a html form and dropbox.
> >> I'm displaying the entire exam on one page, with one submit button on
> >> the bottom so that the student can review the answers before finally
> >> submitting them.
> >>
> >> The problem I have is that the form field names are dynamic in that they
> >> are set up the value held in tbl_exam_answers.question_id and with
> >> ms-sql the identity type is not guarenteed to be incremental, so how can
> >> I reference them to send a query back to the DB to mark the student ?
> >>
> >> Have I painted myself into a corner ? :-/

Chris MacKenzie

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 Mac OS: "Where do you want to be tomorrow ?"
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