i cannot get this to work.
seems there's no way binding an array directly,
at least if it's of such an object type. If anyone knows a
way, i'd appreciate any advice.
But I found a solution:

$query = "declare
                    my_array Test_Pkg.test_array_type;

and then i loop through my php array, extending the $query string which sets
elements for my_array in the sql.
when i execute this, it works properly.

Regards Michael

"Michael Virnstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hope there's any Oracle Guru around. :)
> Oracle 8.1.7:
> Asuming that I have the following object type:
> Create or Replace Type Test_Table_type as object (PK number(10,0),
> name varchar2(100));
> and that I have the following package:
> Create Package Test_Pkg
> Is
>     Type test_array_type is varray(10) of Test_Table_Type;
>     Function TestFunc(in_array IN test_array_type)
>        Return number;
> End;
> and i want to call the function like this from php:
> $query = "begin :result := Test_Pkg.TestFunc(:array);  end;";
> and bind a php array to the :array variable.
> Is this possible?
> If yes, what should the array look like?
> If not, how should i do it then?
> Any sample code would be really great.
> Regards Michael

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