oops, i accidentally sent it without finishing...

anyway, what i wanted to say was DISTINCT, at least how i learned it, was
working with rows instead of colums:


is there a reason why you dont want to list the columns?

russ arbuthnot wrote:

> I have a mysql table named "equipment" with 11 columns named: id,
> staff_member, class, type, manufacturer, model, description, picture,
> created, modified, and published.
> I'm trying to write a select statement similar to this:
> SELECT DISTINCT type FROM equipement WHERE class = "microphones";
> yet shows all 11 columns of the selected rows rather than just the
> type column.
> The only way I know how to show all the columns is to use SELECT *, or to
> list all the columns manually like "SELECT id, type, class, ... etc."
> But when I tried doing this:
> SELECT DISTINCT type, id, staff_member, class, manufacturer, model,
> description, picture, created, modified, published FROM equipment WHERE
> class = "microphones";
> I just got the exact same answer as if i would have done this:
> SELECT * FROM equipment WHERE class = "microphones";
> so it didn't help.
> Can anyone offer a hint?
> Thanks,
> russ
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Leo G. Divinagracia III

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