--- Jody Cleveland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sorry. Stupid technospeak on my part.
> No problem, much ignorance on my part.
> > When you connect to the database, you tell it to use a particular
> > username and password. When these new tables were created, did
> you
> > change the permissions in the mysql table for the user, or does
> that
> > account have access to all the tables/databases? Basically, did
> you
> > grant or change permissions when the new tables were created?
> I created a database called squirrelmail. I was logged in as root
> when I
> created it, but after I created the database, I typed:
> GRANT select,insert,update,delete ON squirrelmail.* TO
> squirreluser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'sqpassword';
> > BTW, CRUD = Create, Read, Update, Delete
> I was wondering what that meant!
> It looks like the changes take now, but I have to logout of
> squirrelmail and
> log back in for them to take effect. Any ideas?

Not to punt, but you might want to check with the Squirrelmail folks
to see if that's normal behavior. I don't use it personally, but I
can refer you to a few people who do if no one on this list knows...

> Thanks!
> Jody

Mark Weinstock
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