Daniel Joyce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote... :

> Hello folks, I need help with the following. I'm recording machine 
> production and 'health' status information into a Oracle 9.2 DB. That's 
> working great, rock solid, great admin tools, etc.
> I've been trying to use the Rockwell Software tools to get the data out onto 
> the web in a pretty format, but Rockwell's tools are brittle, buggy, and 
> overpriced. Also, ASP + VBScript for my hacks is turning out to be crufty 
> and slow.
> I have Oracle 9.2 sitting on a Win2k server that is the primary domain 
> controller. I've set up IIS with PHP, and everything is working great... It 
> can see all the extensions, and with a change to the permissions of the 
> oci.dll, PHP can see that too.
> I'm wanting to use ADODB 3.1 as a cleaner interface to the Oracle database 
> via oci8. But no matter what I try, I get errors. These errors are not the 
> "access is denied" error I saw when oci.dll had the wrong perms. It seems I 
> get a warning in the ado...
> Here is the code snippet from the testpage, tnsname has been changed to 
> protect the guilty... ;)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is the dbtest.php file, based on samples given on the adodb page
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <?php
> include('.\adodb\adodb.inc.php');          # load code common to ADOdb
> include('.\adodb\tohtml.inc.php');
> $conn = &ADONewConnection('oci8');      # create a connection
>         # connect to Oracle OCI8 DB...
> $conn->debug=true;
> $conn->NConnect('', 'usr', 'usr_pwd', 'TNSName');
>         # select machines from machinetable
> $recordSet = $conn->Execute("select * from machinetable");
> if (!$recordSet)
>         print $conn->ErrorMsg();
> else
> while (!$recordSet->EOF) {
>         print $recordSet->fields[0].' '.$recordSet->fields[1].'<BR>';
>         $recordSet->MoveNext();
> }
> #$recordSet->Close(); # optional
> #$conn->Close(); # optional
> ?>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is the error I get in my HTML page, when I browse to dbtest.php
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Warning: _oci_open_server: in 
> D:\PHP\includes\adodb\drivers\adodb-oci8.inc.php on line 132
> : 
> (oci8): select * from machinetable   
> : 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> adodb-oci8.inc.php is part of the adodb package, and I am getting a warning
> at that line in the ADODB code.
> Is this a bug? Should I try ADODB 2.5 instead since it's listed as being 
> more stable on the site?
> Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to get a demo app 
> up and running in a few days so they don't think I'm nuts for trying 
> this... <:)

Daniel, I maintain the OCI8 extension and, I have already heard a
complain similar to this (ADODB, PHP 4.3, Oracle 9.*).

Yes, I'd like to know what would happen with AdoDB 2.5 and PHP 4.3.0 for
your case.  Can you please test ADODB 2.5 and tell me the results? Also,
try the latest CVS at snaps.php.net (php4) and see whether this error
persists there. Thanks

Maxim Maletsky

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