Hi Paul

On 27 Mar,2003 at 12:44 Paul Burney wrote:

> Hope that helps. YMMV. TMTOWTDI.

It did !!  I had tried a direct pipe, but had neglected the all important semi-colon 
on the insert !!!

Is this reasonably efficient on your production server ?  Do you have any problems 
with it ?

Also, how are you dealing with growing table sizes ?  Do you summarise out data to sub 
tables ?  Or do you limit the date range and periodically dump stuff that is out of 
range ?

Part of the reason for using Perl / PHP, etc was to allow the log data to be filtered 
and sorted prior to inserting to the db.  This would then allow automatic summarising 
so you could maintian host tables, request tables, etc and limit the size of the main 
transfer log tables.

My approach to the queries thus far has been to keep different 'reports' (which 
essentially narrow down to individual SQL queries) in a db.  A user picks a report, 
the SQL is selected and run and the data is then displayed (also playing with JPGraph 
to produce some nice charts).

Works quite well and means that adding a new 'report' is simply a matter of adding a 
row in the reports table.

> Sincerely,
> Paul Burney
> <http://paulburney.com/>
> <?php
>     while ($self != "asleep") {
>         $sheep_count++;
>     }
> ?>

Once again, thanks for the tips !!

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