
quoted from 'function.odbc-connect.php'.Perhaps it might helps:

cs at coolspot dot de
10-Jul-2001 08:01
We've tried hard to connect from php to our IBM DB2 RS/6000 Server. It
worked after we compiled with --ibm-db2= option, but it was unbelievable

No, just testing some options, we found out that it went from very slow
(getting 100 records lasts 1 till 10 seconds) to fast access (almost same
speed as with using JDBC from Servlets) to 0.2 till 0.3 seconds.

We simply added the optional parameter Cursortype to odbc_connect, and with
the cursortype SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC it changed in that way!

Hope this helps anybody who must connect to db2 ;)

"Gerard Samuel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message de news:
> For the most part, I got my code running with IBM DB2 8.1.3
> But its slower than dirt.  Maybe 1 out of 10 times, a page would exceed
> the 30 second time limit.
> I understand on a fresh database startup, it takes time to get things
> together to run.
> But sometimes it would seem like its going fast, then othertimes, crawl
> slower than snails.
> Im just checking with the crowd that uses DB2 via PHP to see if they get
> similar
> behaviour with DB2.
> Thanks.

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