Hi Dan,

> Hello all,
> I'm in the midst of creating an internet speed test system thingamabob for
> my website.  It's basically finished...but ugly as sin.  What I'd like to
> is have the results (an average of each domain tested) listed in a nice
> pretty table with alternating background colors, kinda like a ledger.  How
> on earth do I do this?
> Here's what I've got thus far:
> <?php
> echo "Average speeds of each domain tested:<br>";
> $mongo = @mysql_query ("SELECT
> substring_index(name,'.',-2),ROUND(AVG(speed),1) FROM `readings` GROUP BY
> substring_index(name,'.',-2) ORDER BY substring_index(name,'.',-2) ASC");
> echo "<table><tr><td>Domain</td><td>Average Speed</td></tr>\n";
> while ($mongorow = mysql_fetch_array($mongo, MYSQL_NUM)) { echo
> "<tr><td>$mongorow[0]</td><td>$mongorow[1]</td></tr>\n";}
> echo "</table>";
> ?>

You must use a counter in while.
Let's change your code like:

$counter = 0;
// here actually is your while where I add this lines
if($counter)    $bgcolor="red";
else                $bgcolor="green";

// change in echo command:
echo "<tr bgcolor=$bgcolor>...."

// I just hope u don't use red and green through :)

> And I'd like it to spit out something along these lines:
> <table>
> <tr bgcolor=#dddddd><td>domain1.com</td><td>666.6 kbps</td></tr>
> <tr bgcolor=#ffffff><td>domain2.com</td><td>3000.0 kbps</td></tr>
> repeat until done
> </table>
> The gizmo is up and running at
> http://www.dibcomputers.com/bandwidthmeter/index.php if you care to have a
> gander.
> Thanks a bunch,
> Dan


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