I dont see what is your problem, your code do almost anything. Is you
pretend to generate the output in html as you show in the example, you just
have to add the color property in the "td" or "tr" tag, take care with the "
in the code. ex:

$dummy_var = 0;
$dummy_array = array("#dddddd", "#ffffff");
while ($mongorow = mysql_fetch_array($mongo, MYSQL_NUM))
    echo "<tr bgcolor=

And thats is it. You could use css or other things, thats up to you. Hope
thats solved.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 1:42 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Results with ledger stripes?

> Hello all,
> I'm in the midst of creating an internet speed test system thingamabob for
> my website.  It's basically finished...but ugly as sin.  What I'd like to
> is have the results (an average of each domain tested) listed in a nice
> pretty table with alternating background colors, kinda like a ledger.  How
> on earth do I do this?
> Here's what I've got thus far:
> <?php
> echo "Average speeds of each domain tested:<br>";
> $mongo = @mysql_query ("SELECT
> substring_index(name,'.',-2),ROUND(AVG(speed),1) FROM `readings` GROUP BY
> substring_index(name,'.',-2) ORDER BY substring_index(name,'.',-2) ASC");
> echo "<table><tr><td>Domain</td><td>Average Speed</td></tr>\n";
> while ($mongorow = mysql_fetch_array($mongo, MYSQL_NUM)) { echo
> "<tr><td>$mongorow[0]</td><td>$mongorow[1]</td></tr>\n";}
> echo "</table>";
> ?>
> And I'd like it to spit out something along these lines:
> <table>
> <tr bgcolor=#dddddd><td>domain1.com</td><td>666.6 kbps</td></tr>
> <tr bgcolor=#ffffff><td>domain2.com</td><td>3000.0 kbps</td></tr>
> repeat until done
> </table>
> The gizmo is up and running at
> http://www.dibcomputers.com/bandwidthmeter/index.php if you care to have a
> gander.
> Thanks a bunch,
> Dan


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