Good day list,
I was running a Mysql/PHP DB/Webpage that was hosted on Redhat 8.0 
It was a simple DB - only 1 table, and the php page connected and fed data
to it.

Last weekend I rebuilt the server to Fedora Core 2 - using the default
PHP/Mysql/apache installs.

I setup the databases, and imported the old data (taken from a MySQL dump)
into the new DB, and setup Apache, so that I could view the pages that
displayed the data, and also the page that I used to add the data.

Online I could see everything, and the pages gave the appearance of working,
however when I went into the DB using PHPMYADMIN to check the status of the
new data entered, all I found was blank rows ( for the new data since the
rebuild, all the old data was there) There were the correct number of new
rows for the amount of records that I had entered, which tells me (unless I
am nistaken) that the PHP is talking to the DB, and is atleast sending a
insert command, but the rest of the data is not getting in. - 

I hope that I have made sense, Please note that the php/html pages used to
input the data used to work on the old server and had been running for
several years flawlessly. 

As I said I have a default conf for apache, obviously changing the bits that
needed to be changed (servername, etc) and did not change anything on the
PHP & MySQL confs.

Any ideas?

Thank you 
Andrew Rothwell

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