some tips when inserting data:

instead of inserting into the the table, do some debugging,echo the insert string and check if:

1- all string fields are between single comma ('field_name').Numéric fields do not need single comma;
2- all not null fields are present in the field list;
3- you're respecting the fields order (insert into t (x,y,z) values (val_x,val_y,val_z) );

hope it helps.

Rui Cunha

Daniel Clark writes:

Any errors? Is the all the other data inserting into the second table?

I am using a form to Insert data into 2 tables in the same database.

$TimesheetID needs to be in each table. However, it is not being inserted
into the second table, "tblTimesheetDetails" . Any advise?

$result_timesheet=mysql_query("INSERT INTO tblTimesheet (TimesheetID,
WorkerID, ClientID, TimesheetDate, ProspectiveOrRetrospective) VALUES
ospective')")or die("Insert Error: ".mysql_error());

$result_timesheetdetails=mysql_query("INSERT INTO tblTimesheetDetails
(TimesheetID, ActivityTypeID, TimeSpentHours, TimeSpentMinutes) VALUES
die("Insert Error: ".mysql_error());

Thanks, Declan.

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