You're asking a legal question and should contact an attorney.  

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vincent Jordan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 4:03 PM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] Intellectual property rights
> This is a bit off topic however it may be something people here have or
> will have the unpleasant opportunity to deal with. The company I work
> for has been having a problem tracking our customers warranty
> information and have used paper for items sent in for repair. I on my
> own time had created a web based application in php that would make both
> issues paperless, and in my own opinion getter overall. Once complete I
> informed my supervisor of the application and asked if It could be shown
> to the vice president for review, with the condition that this is my
> application and I own all source and design of the application. My
> supervisor said he would need our IT department to look it over before
> it went to the VP. At the request of the IT department head I downloaded
> the files and sql dump of the database to the company's server. The next
> day I wad in the IT office talking with the director of IT and a 3rd
> party company about the functions and design of the application. Because
> they are all Microsoft weenies and cant admin a server unless they can
> point and click their way to a fix they said php would not be an
> acceptable language and mysql is not a proper database to run an
> application on. I informed them I could rewrite this in and
> place it on a mssql database. The IT director said they will be having
> the 3rd party company just take what I have made, convert it to asp and
> build off of it.
> I approached my supervisor about compensation for the work that was done
> since they are using my design. I was told "you gave it to IT, there is
> nothing I can do about it" I explained that this was given on the
> condition that it would be shown to the VP and in hopes that I would
> either gain a transfer to IT, be awarded a contract to provide the
> solution and maintenance, or maintain my current position with a slight
> raise and I will maintain and built onto the application.
> I went up the chain to my supervisors boss and explained to them what
> had happened and that since they are using my design and altering it to
> another language that I would like to be compensated for my work. I was
> told that I did nothing but give them an idea and they were really doing
> all the work since what I did was not good enough and their computers
> could not understand what I wrote.
> The IT dept refuses to run anything besides Win Servers using IIS. They
> will not install PHP ( too many hacker problems they say).
> Did I just screw myself? Do I have any protection of my design? Can I do
> anything?
> Thanks,
> Vinny

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